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  • Education

2004 House Bill 6230 / Public Act 425

Revise certain MEAP test dates

2003 House Bill 5313 / 2004 Public Act 377

Allow schools to sell land given by state

2004 House Bill 5929

Repeal certain school recreation tax power

2004 House Bill 5783 / Public Act 388

Revise Michigan Education Savings Account rules

2004 Senate Bill 1376

Eliminate Merit Scholarship for out-of-state schools

2004 House Bill 5782 / Public Act 387

Revise Michigan Education Savings Account rules

2004 House Bill 5534 / Public Act 394

Revise Michigan education savings account details

2003 Senate Bill 885 / 2004 Public Act 337

Revise state grants to ISD details

2004 House Bill 5446 / Public Act 307

Require schools person on county planning commissions