Civil procedure: statute of limitations; civil actions for criminal sexual conduct; modify period of limitations.
Vehicles: fund-raising registration plates; fund-raising registration plate for spay and neuter clinics; create.
Human services: medical services; medical assistance coverage for ultrasound procedures and fetal nonstress tests performed in certain locations; provide for.
Human services: medical services; guidelines for coverage for perinatal and gynecological services; provide for.
Human services: medical services; medical assistance coverage for donor human milk; require under certain conditions.
Economic development: tax increment financing; definition of other protected obligation; modify and expand.
State agencies (proposed): boards and commissions; Michigan-Ireland trade commission; establish.
State: symbol; rye; designate as the official state grain.
Children: child care; adjustments of reimbursements under the child development care program for inflation; require.
Education: curriculum; firearm safety instruction; provide for.