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  • “tax”
  • Transportation

2014 House Bill 5636 / Public Act 492

Permit golf cart road road use without insurance

2013 Senate Bill 281

Establish state drawbridge operations fund

2013 House Bill 4677

Earmark some sales tax on gasoline to public transportation subsidies

2013 House Bill 4572

Revise taxation of airplane fuel

2014 Senate Bill 1016 / Public Act 302

Shift road tax money from certain subsidies to road projects

2013 Senate Bill 149

Revise transportation tax allocation

2013 Senate Bill 6

Earmark some sales tax revenue to roads

2013 Senate Bill 265 / 2014 Public Act 171

Exempt test cars from regional transit tax

2014 House Bill 5459

Allocate sales tax on fuel to road projects

2013 House Bill 5064 / 2014 Public Act 440

Name I-75 after Tuskegee airmen