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  • Public Safety

2008 House Bill 6239

Revise logging equipment hauling regulations

2007 House Bill 4817 / 2008 Public Act 171

Expand parking offences volunteers may enforce

2008 Senate Bill 1241

Revise logging equipment hauling regulations

2008 Senate Bill 1211

Waive commercial drivers license road test for military truck drivers

2008 House Bill 5695 / Public Act 131

Revise logging truck tie-down law

2007 Senate Bill 82 / 2008 Public Act 43

Expand auto child seat mandates

2007 House Bill 4151

Prohibit multiple passengers for beginning drivers

2007 Senate Bill 712 / 2008 Public Act 36

Adopt uniform anatomical gift act

2007 House Bill 5535 / 2008 Public Act 23

Authorize enhanced passport-like drivers license and state ID

2007 House Bill 4528

Facilitate ex-cons getting state IDs