Courts: family division; use of risk and needs assessment for juveniles in the juvenile justice system before disposition; require.
Human services: children's services; county child care fund reimbursement rate; increase.
Appropriations: supplemental; funding for the child development and care program; provide for.
Appropriations: supplemental; funding for Lake Mitchell Sewer Authority; provide for.
Use tax: exemptions; purchase of certain aviation equipment; exempt.
Sales tax: exemptions; purchase of certain aviation equipment; exempt.
Vehicles: agricultural equipment; original equipment manufacturers of electronics-enabled agricultural equipment to provide certain parts, tools, and documentation to owners and independent repair providers; require.
Appropriations: school aid; funding for districts and intermediate districts that have certain student-to-teacher ratios: provide for.
Occupations: architects, professional engineers, and surveyors; design builder; exempt from certain requirements of a firm.
Appropriations: community colleges; appropriations for fiscal year 2023-2024; provide for.