Family law: paternity; medical expenses related to birth of a child born out of wedlock paid by Medicaid; modify.
Appropriations: capital outlay; natural resources trust fund and college building project; provide appropriations for fiscal year 2023-2024.
Education: teachers and administrators; requirements for a teacher to successfully complete a probationary period: modify.
Vehicles: registration plates; personalized license plates for historical vehicles; provide for.
Human services: medical services; rural hospital access pool; modify.
Energy: natural gas; penalties for natural gas safety violations; modify.
Civil rights: other; public breastfeeding antidiscrimination act; expand to protect public expression of human milk.
Property tax: tax tribunal; methods for tax tribunal to hold small claims hearings; expand to include telephonically or by videoconferencing.
Law enforcement: funds; public safety officer death benefits; increase.
Retirement: public school employees; certain required annual contributions; modify.