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2006 House Bill 6416 / Public Act 558

Allow giving crime property forfeiture proceeds to "crimestoppers" organizations

2006 House Bill 6394 / Public Act 559

Allow concealed pistol for jail guards

2006 House Bill 6364 / Public Act 546

Prohibit legal firearms seizure during state of emergency

2006 House Bill 6363 / Public Act 545

Prohibit legal firearms seizure during state of emergency

2006 House Bill 6348 / Public Act 557

Ban disclosure of Crimestoppers "tip" details

2006 House Bill 6322 / Public Act 556

Allow donation of stolen bikes

2006 House Bill 6275 / Public Act 487

Revise certain parole requirements

2006 House Bill 6271 / Public Act 544

Increase contempt of court penalties

2006 House Bill 6239 / Public Act 555

Revise allowable county fiscal year

2006 House Bill 6181 / Public Act 543

Require LEIN check for arrested parolees