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18,911 to 18,920 of 21,716 results

2004 House Bill 5716 / Public Act 221

Drug court for juveniles

2003 House Bill 5376 / 2004 Public Act 232

Revise school and ISD bid request procedures

2003 House Bill 5338

Revise medical malpractice lawsuit procedures

2003 House Bill 5311

Establish that expression of sympathy not a liability admission

2003 House Bill 5240 / 2004 Public Act 239

Exempt youthful "statutory rape" offenders from sex offender registry

2003 House Bill 5195 / 2004 Public Act 238

Place photos on on-line sex offender registry

2003 House Bill 5021 / 2004 Public Act 235

Join multi-state Wildlife Violator Compact

2003 House Bill 4947 / 2004 Public Act 233

Require open ISD board appointments