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2004 House Bill 5472 / Public Act 376

Revise "interests of the child" determination in divorce

2004 House Bill 5432 / Public Act 373

Extend occupational licenses for reservists on active duty

2003 House Bill 5340 / 2004 Public Act 389

Revise Macomb-Oakland Regional Center conveyance

2003 House Bill 5319 / 2004 Public Act 384

Transfer more fuel tax money to local bridge projects

2003 House Bill 4362 / 2004 Public Act 375

Require insurance cover nurse midwives

2003 House Bill 4361 / 2004 Public Act 374

Require insurance cover nurse midwives

2004 Senate Bill 1323 / Public Act 383

Allow ads on lottery tickets

2004 Senate Bill 1376

Eliminate Merit Scholarship for out-of-state schools